Return policy

Return policy

  1. The Customer has the right to claim a fault or defect in the service provided by the Operator.
  2. Service error or defect means:
    • malfunction of the service provided by the operator
    • problems with payment for the service
  3. The operator shall process the complaint as soon as possible, but at the latest within 30 days in accordance with the legislation of the Slovak Republic.
  4. Claims can be made by email:
  5. For errors or defects caused by operators, the Customer has the right to a reasonable compensation or discount of the price for the provided service.
  6. Supervisory Authority (in slovak language): Inšpektorát SOI pre Banskobystrický kraj, Dolná 46, 974 00  Banská Bystrica 1 , Slovenská republika.
  7. At the same time, the operator hereby informs that on 1 February 2016, 391/2015 Coll. On alternative dispute resolution of consumer disputes and on the amendment of some laws. An alternative dispute resolution does not deal with disputes where the value of the dispute does not exceed EUR 20.
  8. The consumer may lodge a complaint also through the RSO Alternative Dispute Resolution platform:

European Parliament resolution on consumer disputes:: = EN
