
Are you considering a new location for your sex adventures this holiday season? You should definitely keep Poland in mind. Poland is regarded as one of the best locations for sex and we are here to show you why. Prostitution in Poland dates back to the 10th century and still runs actively today. As a matter of fact, it is the only legal profession in Poland that isn’t taxed. This ultimately means you get cheap sex in Poland.

Poland is dominated by the Roman catholic sect, hence, there is a little conservativeness as regards sexual activities, however, Poland still has a lot to offer to any sex tourist who goes about it the right way. Sexual activities in Warsaw include consensual prostitution, brothels, Escort agencies, strip clubs, erotic massage salons, porn movie theatres and sex shops.

Paid Sex in Warsaw

Paid sex in Warsaw is readily available. They are provided by street whores and forest whores known as “Tirowki”. If you plan to patronize them, endeavour to be careful so as not to be a victim of the honey trap. Honey trap is an occurrence whereby two gorgeous ladies flirt with you on the street and lure you to a local bar. When you offer to buy them drinks, they proceed to order expensive cocktails; incurring bills in hundreds of Zloty (Be wise). Paid sex in Warsaw costs about 50 euros per hour. Pretty cheap, right?

Strip Clubs in Poland

The strip clubs in Warsaw are epic and they offer amazing services. Major establishments include, Vegas gentlemen night club, Imperium night club in Radarowa; Warsaw, Kokomo night club etc. These clubs are majorly brothels in disguise. They offer tourists the opportunity to have sex in the back room of the strip club for about 50 euros to 120 euros. The price for sex depends on the girl and the club location.

Sex Escorts in Poland

There are many escorts in Warsaw. You can get access to them when you place a call to a trusted escort service. The price also depends on how sophisticated the girl you desire is. There are all kind of girls in Poland who are ready to please you. Whether your choice is sweet, skinny, classy, exotic etc., you are sure to find your perfect fit.


Other Sex Resorts in Poland

Other sex-oriented attraction in Warsaw includes, porn movie theatres- where you get to watch porn in the cinema, Erotic massage salons, sex stores and Sex restaurants. Some of the famous places include Strefa, the Belvedore, Panorama bar, Agent provocateur, and Velvet bar. Even though they exist, red light districts in Warsaw are dispersed and they occur in small concentrated groups near train stations.

A small note: It is reported that about 30% of sex workers in Poland are infected with HIV. We advise you to practice safe sex all the time. You don’t want to go home after your adventure with an infection, do you?

What are you still waiting for? Pick up your bags and go for that tourism in Warsaw to experience sex like never before.