
I used to think the only people fit to save lives were medical practitioners, however, after 13 years of providing services as an escort, I feel the need to be addressed as a Doctor. This is because, in many ways, escorts are helping to save lives in many capacity and unfortunately, the society keeps looking down on this prestigious profession.

This conclusion was attained after many studies showed it to be true. If you also look closely, you will discover that many of the services escorts provide help the user live a very long and joyful life.

Everybody Wants Companionship.

Humans are engineered to be social animals. Both introverts and extroverts alike are constantly in need of a member of the opposite sex to validate or make them feel worthy of being alive. According to research, many suicide bombers, mass shooters, and sex offenders have been deprived of this companionship and this is why many of them act the way they do. By employing an escort, many catastrophes could have been averted. Who knows, perhaps, all Hitler needed was an escort.

It Pays the bills.

Fortunately, providing escort service is one of the very lucrative businesses in town. It has helped many people pay for their tuition and other related expenses.

The highest paid male escort is Hikaru Aizawa from Japan and he has made up to $200,000 in just one night. He has received gifts which includes a 2nd edition watch of which Brad Pitt owns the 1st edition, a bottle of Japanese Soju worth almost $8,000 his apartment was completely furnished by gifts from his clients. Another popular escort is Lauren, who is extremely difficult to land. She charges as much as $25,000 per night and her clients include notable names in the Forbes’ List.

Helps Curb Infidelity.

Yes! Research has shown that a very high percentage of married husbands or wives who patronize sex escorts do not eventually have sex with them.Sorry to burst your bubble, but not everything has a happy ending. Many people just need someone who gets them. Someone they can talk to for a while, and many times, that escort might just be all you need. This is one of the unlikeliest ways to remain a faithful partner, but, hey, you cannot argue with research.


Many escorts are veterans in the field of protecting themselves as they have been on the streets for quite a while. Their skills and experience will come in handy during a time of peril. They will also be familiar with blind spots and dark alleys to avoid, especially if their company is new in town. By so doing, you get someone fun to accompany you, and also semi-professional security personnel to guard you.

Helps to unwind.

For many eligible singles out there who are constantly stressed over their job, money, or family issues, a sex escort offers invaluable help in this regard. It is well known that sexual intercourse causes the release of endorphins; a huge mood booster.According to a study at Colombia university, there are about 3 known ways to get your endorphin level up; strenuous exercise, excessive laughter and sex. Hiring a funny sex escort who is willing to go the extra mile with you solves the problem.

Do you know other ways in which sex escorts help? Let us know.